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Thermal conductivity and fire resistance of aluminum silicate plate

The thermal conductivity of aluminum silicate plate is somewhat different from other thermal insulation products. It is a green composite thermal insulation material with non-toxic and harmless characteristics, superior to other products in quality and performance.
There are not many conditions and thresholds for the use of aluminum silicate plate. This is a material with excellent performance and simple use. We can simply apply it to various environments and play a very good role directly.
1、 Thermal conductivity of aluminum silicate plate:
Thermal conductivity under the preparation surface
2、 Fire resistance of aluminum silicate plate:
When it comes to the fireproof performance of aluminum silicate plate, you must understand several characteristics. We can summarize it into four points:
1. The single component of ceramic fiber paper of traditional product size is controlled at 7 kg, while the component of imitation products is light or heavy.
2. High quality ceramic fiber paper is more expensive because of its high cost. The relatively low value is undoubtedly inferior.
3. It is the color control pure that will not produce all kinds of color control white, but it is not unique white. Imitating this color will produce all kinds of color confusion, usually yellow.
4. Look at the content of the slag ball. It doesn't need to use equipment to detect. How much can you feel with your hand? First, touch the surface, check whether there is too much powder in the slag ball, and then pull it open after touching, check the size of the box of the broken slag ball, and check whether the hand is pierced.
From the above introduction, we can see that the thermal conductivity and fire resistance of aluminum silicate plate are generally superior to other types of products. As we said before, the new product must have its unique support, that is, people need to know and understand it.
